BSpPath, CPSP. Claire Stanley has worked for over 20 years as a speech pathologist after graduating from La Trobe University in 1999. Since then, she has dedicated her career to evaluating and managing swallowing and communication disorders in the acute medical and outpatients setting, predominantly in the fields of neurological, respiratory and critical care. Claire is well respected in her field of dysphagia, including being one of the first clinicians in Australia to provide independent instrumental swallowing evaluation via endoscopy (FEES) and has provided training to other speech pathologists in this area. Claire has worked as a clinical educator both within the university and medical setting. She has developed clinical competency training programs in the area of instrumental swallowing evaluations (FEES and videofluoroscopy), and tracheostomy care. Claire has authored and presented papers both locally and internationally in the area of dysphagia, and co-authored several poster presentations for tracheostomy management.
Claire has a lead Grade 4 speech pathology position at Monash Health in the ENT Department, working alongside laryngologists in the Laryngology and Swallowing Disorders Clinics. The multidisciplinary team work together to diagnose and treat complex swallowing conditions, voice and upper airway disorders using nasal and transnasal endoscopy, stroboscopy and videofluoroscopy (x-ray).
Claire is a founding member and director of the Melbourne Swallow Analysis Centre (MSAC) and has worked in private practice since 2014. She brings her expertise to patients looking for an evidence-based, tertiary level approach to their swallowing management. She has state-wide and national networks with speech pathologists in the hospital sector and community and works alongside them to deliver the best possible continuum of care for our patients.
Claire is a certified practicing member of Speech Pathology Australia, a member of the Dysphagia Research Society and currently sits on the board of the Laryngology Society of Australasia as the Victorian Speech Pathology Representative.. Claire is currently completing a doctorate (PhD) in instrumental swallowing evaluation and she is steering several laryngology research projects at Monash Health. Claire has been trained in high-resolution pharyngeal manometry by experts at the University of Madison, Wisconsin and Flinders University in Adelaide and brings this new diagnostic instrumentation to the clinical setting, making it more accessible for both swallowing evaluation and biofeedback therapy.